
Thursday, November 29, 2012

New youtube account...

Hai everybody... I now have a youtube account! :D
Just look up Bnaylo4life, comment and tell me if you can't find me okay? Bye... o.o

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Random picture

This is just a random picture I took of 3 of my friends, but sadly my best friend and my first friend on animal jam wasn't there!
Users in the pic: Moonstripethecat  is the bunny saying: ': D Squeak!!', candy2513 is the Arctic wolf, and then Wolfgirl642 is me, the regular wolf :)
I'm sorry it's so blurry, It's just I was using my sister's phone, and then yeah XD

Just a little treat, to show. BYE!

Meet Graham!

Meet Graham the tinkerer monkey shaman! He can always be found building, fixing, or inventing something. He can even craft tools for animals that don't have THUMBS or HANDS. Graham's personality is always friendly followed by hyperness, and distraction. While mumbling to himself constantly, he plays innocent pranks on the new jammers on Animal Jam. ( pranks are always jamtastic to me) So get ready to meet Graham the epic tinkerer monkey Shaman! :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Rares, and Halloween.

Bahari Bargains
Hey Jammers! You’d better get your items from Kani Cove, to Barahi Bay. From Mt. Shiveer, to Jamaa township. Get your Halloween items before they’re gone!
 (Sorry I couldn't post the other items XD)
Jam Mart Clothing

Also the rare today is… RARE STEAMPUNK GOGGLES! Head on down to Jam Mart Clothing! What do you guys think of it? That’s about all I have for now. Bye!


P.S. I’m on server Rocky if you want to meet me :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Meet Peck!

Meet Peck! The bunny shaman, she's cute but totally not cuddly. She's the loud and fiesty one on the group, she's a nonconformist and is VERY independant. She's always being herself and lets her punk rock spirits guide her. Her clothing and music? She likes them even LOUDER! She's friendly to basically everyone and sees herself as another special addition to the gang. Get ready to meet Peck the Bunny Shaman!

Double points? What game?

Head out to Deep Blue and play Phantom's Treasure for double points! Sorry about my short post, but it's just A LITTLE INFO.

 Get double gems, not double points! That means Double Gems x2! Here's what it looks like :3 

Epic Seasonal Tree

The Epic Seasonal Tree can be found in epic wonders! It seems seasonal,it's epic and it's BIG!. What do you think of it jammers?


I’ve posted a lot today I think I’ve done enough, see you in Jamaa :)

Catching up.

Hey Jammers! Sorry, I haven’t been posting in a while, it’s just because: 1. I’ve had homework.  2. I’m helping jammers sometimes.  And 3. My friend almost quit Animal Jam because her fox hat was scammed, luckily it was too hard to quit Animal Jam >:3 That’s what’s been going on. Now onto the good part of this post.


There are many things happening here on Animal Jam… So much as to…. FALLEN LEAFS? And….  MAPLE LEAF RUGS? And… GIANT PHANTOMS? And… BAT WALLPAPER? Yes, yes I know I’ve missed a lot. I shall write about it ALL today on this post, right here, right now.


Everyone’s favorite decoration is back for more, the big and shiny, Giant Phantom! It’s nice too, buy it before it’s gone until next year! (Yes, I know this paragraph was very short!)

Fallen leafs in a leaf pile and Maple Leaf Rugs are here too. Maple leaf rugs are nice and medium-sized. They’re reddish-brown and members only too. The Leaf Pile is just a jumble of leaves and there’s a green leaf (this color) behind all of the leafs, some are orange, some are dark orange, some are yellow-orange and some are scarlet red.

Lots of typing? Yes. Was it worth it? Yes!!! Also, all Halloween items are on Clearance. Bat wall paper is also here, and Spooky Parties will soon be leaving! See you around Jamaa J

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I wanted to do this for all of the jammers that like shamans. Sadly they are now called Alphas.
Meet the koala shaman Cosmo! He's an expert herbalist. He may be small but he makes up for it by being so animated and cheerful about everything, he even believes that small ones can have big personalties! (he's defintly right about that!) He has an encyclopedia of herbs and they're greatful and sometimes ungreatful uses, he is also consulted with other shamans about threats to mother nature's world. He ackknowledges to the spiritual world, but he mostly focuses on things he can touch, see, and....... EAT!
As a mentor to other koalas that are new and not new, he is very patient and friendly to the new koalas in jamaa. He is a natural born teacher,and loves taking new students out into a field to study plants. In conclusion to Cosmo's wonderful facts, Cosmo is a true academic, and loves to study books and do field research.

I will do seperate posts about the Alphas/Shamans. Bye bye!

Splash 'N' Dash!

Hey jammers! A new game is in Jamaa! But sadly it's for Animal Jam Club Members only. It's most likely being tested out, by members. It's found in Bahari Bay, and to the top of the water. It's like an underwater Jamaa Derby! Here's a video for you to see what it looks like nonmembers! ( Im a nonmember too! )

Last but not least, if you have any pictures of what the arctic wolf gift card looks like please send it in (to my email). That's all for now, bye bye!

Scary Antlers

I'm so sorry I haven't been typing lately! It's all of the homework and stuff.

There's a new item and it's the Scary Antlers. It's sold for 200 gems and it's found in Jam Mart, it's also members only. It's the only new item today, but I'll be sure to post the others that say new.

There's also a nonmember animal coming, I think we all know and agree it's the Sea Turtle! That's all I have time for on this post, sorry! Until next time, Wolfgirl642, out .-.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Epic, scary hacker with new animal, Fountains, conversations and more!

Hey you guys, I was in Mt. Shiveer again today, and my friend came up and said "LOOK UP LIITLEMIGHTY!" I looked her up, and looked at her animals... OMGGGG, an Arctic Wolf? SO AWESOME! Looks like someone hacked into Animal Jam .O.

I just thought I should share this with you, and it's all thanks to one of my best friends Poofballrocks123 for sharing this with me, ALL THE CREDIT FOR HER SHOWING ME THIS AWESOME PERSON GOES TO HER...
But what will happen to non-member wolves......

ALSO! here's the rare today!

 A head feather found in Mt.Shiveer awesome!
Also when you play Sky High and reach the treasure chest you might when something cheap, or something awesome like wings.Wings like these!
except mine were red :)
Now then. Someone also told me that you could win.. NON-MEMBER SCARY BAT WINGS, and also a bunny screamed in my face about her friend winning a bow and arrow.
NIGHT OF THE PHANTOMS IS HERE! Phantom portals have been seen around Jamaa... (especially by me) They take you to an unknown place, seen last year... THE ONE AND ONLY...
 lol I didnt wanna show myself in this picture XD
In the PHANTOMS! when you beat level 5 you'll get a Phantom Fountain! Sorry, if I said anything about getting a Phantom Statue...
Here's a nice large picture :)
It's nice, and watery
Many have have asked me how to get it, and they were like "OMGZ THANK YOU!"
Here's a conversation
                                               MAH DEN!

Victory unkown: Dude, where'd you get that? It's so awesome!

Awesome Icydog: Follow me Moonstreak :D

Victory unkown: Okay.
                                      PHANTOM VORTEX!
Victory unkown: Wow, epic.
Awesome Icydog: Okay now just beat level 5 of Phantoms!.
Victory unkown: I'm sorry, but I have to log off..
Awesome Icydog: NUUUUUU -hugs-
Victory unkown: -hugs- Bye Fangfur.
                     END OF CONVERSATION
That's all I have for right now... HAPPY NIGHT OF THE PHANTOMS! :D

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Somethin random i drew :#

YAYYY this is inspirational to me :D And it wasnt supposed to be! :3

Yes it's an any trying to eat a mushroom dont judge :3

Friday, October 5, 2012


You guys know that picture of the drawing i posted this morning? My sister drooled on teh phantom 
:(  now it's ruined! here it is...

I know, she drooled on the good phantom, no i have to start ALL OVER AGAIN! Sorry you guys, but now it's going to have to wait. THANKS ALOT SIS!

Hmm.. That's nice... It leaked through the page...

That's not very pretty... Or jamtastic... More like pure evil... She's eating a chicken sandwich now...

Hehe, just another HALLOWEEN related drawing...

Im making another drawing here it is =3

A sadly unfinished picture
The phantom on the far left is very good, along with the kitten
I did those first, the words by the wolf say: PureWish/LightingPaw
I will draw my other friends soon :3


Halloween is comin... I am making an animal related drawing to halloween, I'm not quite finished with it yet, BUT IT'S COMIN :T

Don't nag me about the picture, it might be good, it might not be good. I dont know if I'll color it, or not. It'll be the best i can do alright? Please and thank ya :3

Also halloween things are coming meaning Halloween pictures, halloween blog pictures may change, and even  I may draw some halloween things, I've already showed a sneak peek at 1.

That's sorta all I have for now kayyy bye! :3

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The picture that im drawing =3

If you’re wondering what my Halloween drawing will look like right now… I’m going to color it soon! So here’s a quick picture of what it looks like right now! :3 HAVE FUN WIFF MAH PICTURE =3

Yeah it’s a really bad picture I know, I just couldn’t get my notebook to sit up right. And yes you see part of my house. JUST SHUDDAP ABOUT IT! I tried okay?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

somethin random i drew

Just a random drawing i drew some months back i wanted to share :)

This is just something random, enjoy the pic :)

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Can someone tell me if i have bad luck or somethin? Cause i swear everytime i post chat comes back...
Our usual chats are back and blah blah blah...
Just send me a jam-a-gram if you wanna talk on aj, if ya get 1 back saying "Thanks!" means that we can talk, in my den only though :P.


Why are you still reading....

Go take a nap or something...


Go away stalkers...

~wolfgirl642.. Jam on..

Another scammer

Unfortunately I've met another scammer once again...

His name is DakotaShane and he's a member. Want the conversatiooonnn? Well here >:U

Me = green
Scammer = red
Random people = purple

                                    Pillow Room :)
Awesome Bravelion: hmm....
Random unknown person: Adopt us we are zorua pokemon
Random person's sister/brother: Adopt us we are zorua pokemon
Members that like pokemon and care for us only__
Daredevil Scarybeast: Awesome
Awesome Bravelion: Wut..?
Daredevil Scarybeast: Go to your den.
Awesome Bravelion: ok.....?
Random Seal: Ok! :)

                                                My Den
Awesome Bravelion: .......?
Daredevil Scarybeast: send me fox hat then spike and my fox hat after
Awesome Bravelion: scam!
Daredevil Scarybeast: :dance:
Daredevil Scarybeast: whats a scam

Awesome Bravelion: =-=Daredevil Scarybeast: i do not no what a scam it
Awesome Bravelion: Leave or ill report for scamming :U

That was a true conversation of what happened.

For those who have no idea of what Scamming is then you're going to find out!
Scamming is a terrible thing, it takes something special like a rare, or a beta away in exchange for something bad.
Here are some ways scamming happens!

1. They say "Send me a rare and i'll send you a code!" Most of the time they run away.. Sometimes they dont!

2. "Send me a headdress i'll send you my bow!" They take your item..

3. Accept this trade and i'll give you this...


Love you guys :D


Why you still reading...?


-shoots with sleep dart-

mmkay bai :I


speakin to soon...

i spoke to soon!!!!

We just went down again :( and it was right after Harumy went offline... DOES ANYONE FIND THAT CRUEL? :(

btw in my last blog you saw that my friend cachito had commented... She does have regular chat, and she experienced the same difficulties. Does anyone think this because shamans are coming?

Sorry for such a short blog for now...
Buh-bai luv yah! <3

~ Wolfgirl642..



HER USER IS WARRIORCATS13579! :3 hope you meet her 1 day!

Friends with me right now: Cachito03, Harumyruedahernandez111, and warriorcats13479!

They are all epic friends and cachito just lost her clan L

So yeah that’s all for now peoples…


Comment, and stuffs like that

Once again.. And more epic items...

Freechat and the Regularchat were down again today, and were replaced with SpeedChat.

It started at 2:50. I’m guessing some not so jamtastic technical difficulties. D:


So here are some new items and plants! J


1.      Leg Armor! This item is for members and it seems like just a few months ago it was out!


2.      Butterfly Glasses! It’s jamtastic but pink… And for members only D:


                        DEN ITEMS!

1.      The Acorn Tea set. Members only though… British or not it’s cute! :3


2.      Pencil table! Members only though... Perfect for school and you could just use it on your paper :D


3.      Bamboo Fence! Just right for pandas, so they can be safe and be full at the same time. :3


              Tree Top Plants!

1.      The bamboo plant! Way better than the bamboo fence… It actually looks healthy... I WANNA BE A PANDA NOW!


2.      Passion Flower, for the passionate members who love flowers and are kind to non-members… This is the plant for you…


3.      Lobster claw. LOBSTAA it doesn’t look like a lobster claw… Maybe it’s the Venus fly traps cousin…


4.      Baby Palm Tree! Aw it’s such a cute wittle babieh…


5.      Cactus! Be careful not to touch this jamtastic plant, or else you'll get thorns.


          That’s all for today jammers… CYA SOOONZ!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Freechat and Regularchat Down????



Animal jam’s chat is now working! No need to worry folks, no need to feel sad! And upset that you can't really talk...

Well that’s all for now, thanks for reading J

The weirdness has begun!

Did anyone notice how the jammers with “free chat” and “regular chat” had to use “Choice Chat?”

This was very weird to me because when I tried to say something with my “free chat” it didn’t show up! If any jammer at all knows what’s happening please comment, and subscribe or whatever. But this also helped me get many people in my trading party I had.


PLEASE NOTE: This only happened last night around 9:00 or 8:30, if this goes on then we’ll know that the Shamans are coming VERY, VERY soon J

Monday, August 27, 2012

The jamtastic Monday Rare!

the jamtastic rare today is the…. *epic drumroll* rare lei! it’s blue with a hint of white, and green!

Here’s a picture of and be sure to get it before it’s gone!!   J


sincerely your jamtastic friend
