Hey you guys, I was in Mt. Shiveer again today, and my friend came up and said "LOOK UP LIITLEMIGHTY!" I looked her up, and looked at her animals... OMGGGG, an Arctic Wolf? SO AWESOME! Looks like someone hacked into Animal Jam .O.
I just thought I should share this with you, and it's all thanks to one of my best friends Poofballrocks123 for sharing this with me, ALL THE CREDIT FOR HER SHOWING ME THIS AWESOME PERSON GOES TO HER...
But what will happen to non-member wolves......
ALSO! here's the rare today!

A head feather found in Mt.Shiveer awesome!
Also when you play Sky High and reach the treasure chest you might when something cheap, or something awesome like wings.Wings like these!
except mine were red :) |
Now then. Someone also told me that you could win.. NON-MEMBER SCARY BAT WINGS, and also a bunny screamed in my face about her friend winning a bow and arrow.
NIGHT OF THE PHANTOMS IS HERE! Phantom portals have been seen around Jamaa... (especially by me) They take you to an unknown place, seen last year... THE ONE AND ONLY...
lol I didnt wanna show myself in this picture XD |
In the PHANTOMS! when you beat level 5 you'll get a Phantom Fountain! Sorry, if I said anything about getting a Phantom Statue...
Here's a nice large picture :)
It's nice, and watery |
Many have have asked me how to get it, and they were like "OMGZ THANK YOU!"
Here's a conversation
Victory unkown: Dude, where'd you get that? It's so awesome!
Awesome Icydog: Follow me Moonstreak :D
Victory unkown: Okay.
Victory unkown: Wow, epic.
Awesome Icydog: Okay now just beat level 5 of Phantoms!.
Victory unkown: I'm sorry, but I have to log off..
Awesome Icydog: NUUUUUU -hugs-
Victory unkown: -hugs- Bye Fangfur.
That's all I have for right now... HAPPY NIGHT OF THE PHANTOMS! :D